
The Rules

The family will be split into two teams. The Parents (comprised the Mom, Dad, Aunts Uncles, Grandparents, friends Etc.) and The Kids (Offspring, friends, cousins Etc.) Any breach of these teams is considered treason and is not tolerated.

How to Win
The purpose of the Christmas trap is to allow the parents to sleep in. The Christmas Tree represents the "end" of the trap and is a safe zone. If The Kids make it through the Christmas trap, the parents are required to wake up and open presents at the kids discretion. However if The Kids set off the Christmas trap and wake up The Parents before they get to the Christmas Tree then The Kids are required to go back to bed and be quiet and allow The Parents to sleep in as long as they like.

Below are a few more rules that must be followed exactly.
#1 - The Kids are allowed to wake up at 4:00 AM.
#2 - Parents must go to sleep by 3:00 AM (So Santa has time to come and go before the kids wake up!)
#3 - Kids must not step one foot out side of the bedroom door. If they are caught, the trap is forfeit.
#4 - Bed Time is 9:00 PM
#6 - The Parents may sleep wherever they like (including near the Christmas Tree.)
#7 - The Kids may not open any gifts until The Parents are awake.

Below are suggestions that may or may not be followed
#1 - All Kids must sleep in the master bedroom (usually has a bathroom attached)
#2 - Pets must be kept outside (as to not set off the trap!)
#3 - Out doors are not off limits... neither are air ducts, attics or crawl spaces
#4 - The Kids may risk hiding a person outside of the bedroom, but they risk being caught and forfeiting the trap.

Individual Family Rules and Exceptions 

M&L Cole Family
#1- Kids can start the trap at 4:30, but Mom is probably still awake, so you might as well wait til 5.

S & B Hon Family
#1 - The Kids are allowed to start going through the trap at 2:00AM! Wow! Kuddos to those parents!
B & D Palmer Family
#1 -  The trap must be "do-able." it is very easy to make "impossible" traps with motion detectors etc. In our family we find that it is a lot more fun if it is actually possible for the kids to get through the trap.
#2- The Kids are not allowed to open their presents (even if they have won) until the Parents say so.
#3- All lights will be off, except for the Christmas Tree lights. 

Please email for suggusted changes or your own family exceptions!

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